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Transmission Policy & Regulation

Transmission structure at sunset while two workers in protective equipment onlook a drone flying nearby. Capital building with American Flag on a pole with a blue sky and cloudy background.

Smarter Policy for a Greater Grid

It’s not just our grid infrastructure that needs updating: The patchwork collection of rules and policies governing the construction of new transmission is out-of-date and slowing innovation.

With electricity demand rising, our nation needs a cohesive energy policy that aligns regulators and stakeholders at all levels to promote development of desperately needed transmission infrastructure. The benefits include:

Overseeing the Power Grid

The U.S. power grid is governed by many different agencies overseeing federal, state and regional changes to the system. Each one is responsible for a specific piece of a transmission project, influencing its ultimate approval or delay.


The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates all activity related to the interstate transmission of natural gas, oil and electricity and licensing of hydropower projects. The Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies play a role in shaping our energy landscape.


Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs) oversee the regional power system by providing open access to transmission, regional planning, managing generation interconnections and retirements and administering competitive energy markets.


Public service and public utility commissions regulate retail electricity rates and determine specific transmission routes through a state-level siting and permitting process.

The Full Scope of Transmission Regulation

In the U.S., the transmission development process is primarily overseen at the federal and regional levels. However, once a transmission line is approved and ready to construct, state and local officials also have a say about specific line routes. This means transmission projects are closely regulated and monitored at every stage of development, at multiple levels of government. That’s good for customers and communities, but also adds complexity and time to the development process.

This is why a cohesive approach at the federal, regional and state level is so important. To ensure we have the system we need, we need to come together around a common vision for a greater grid.

It takes around 8-12 years to plan, build and launch a major new transmission project, and investments in new transmission are billions below the level needed to secure our energy future.

We need transmission policy reform in specific areas, including:


FERC, RTOs, utilities, states and other stakeholders must align to prioritize long-term planning across and between regions, while also supporting the local transmission infrastructure that makes the regional system work.

Permitting & Siting

Once the planning stage is complete and projects are approved, permitting can be a significant hurdle to completion of projects, particularly if there is litigation. We need to ensure that the permitting process is efficient and that narrow objections don’t delay projects indefinitely.

Cost Allocation

Traditionally, the costs of most transmission projects are assigned to customers in a local area. While this is appropriate for many projects, it also can lead to concentration of costs and excess burden on certain customers for projects that benefit the regional grid. Long-term planning must be combined with cost allocation policies that reflect the benefits transmission provides.

Transmission Rates

When it comes to transmission rates, it’s all about certainty. Regulators should prioritize a stable rate structure, with appropriate incentives, that provides upfront certainty in the development process and ensures a regulated rate of return that is sufficient to attract significant capital needed to build major new projects.

Some of the Most Common Policy & Regulatory Questions

Let’s Build a Stronger Grid

It will take all of us—legislators, regulators, utilities and the public—to drive the changes in policy we need to build a power grid for our 21st century economy.

We’re already behind, so let’s get to work.

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